Saturday, 17 June 2017

Leadfoot Lee Tea and the Moron-o-Phonics

The Lava Lounge is back and it's time for some more paper-cut illustration! One-man-band Leadfoot Tea is a car nut so this is a tribute to gasser's and grease monkeys, with a hint of wacky races too.
Scrawling out then cutting out the two cars, layering them up to create some shadows and re-photographing them gives the image a more 3 dimensional feel and makes more sense of the original cluttered composition. Pedal to the metal, I've got to burn some rubber!!!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Riot Grrrl zine logo

Here are my logo design for Leicester Riot Grrrl's new zine: Riot!

I used a flat brush and some food colouring(!) to rough it out, then added the flowers and (sort of) tidied it up in photoshop.
Here's what the colour version looked like...
Would you eat anything the colour of radioactive bogies? Urk!

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Downtown Drifters album cover

New album by Jim Gannon & Nick from the drugstore cowboy's busking duo. Look out for it being hawked on the streets of Ireland very soon! Art by yours truly.